What is the Number of Chapters in Last Epoch?

The long-awaited release of Last Epoch from Eleventh Hour Games marks the end of its early access phase, inviting players into its rich action RPG universe. Drawing inspiration from acclaimed titles like Diablo and Path of Exile, the game unfolds a narrative weaving through diverse eras and timelines. For newcomers eager to embark on this adventure, the question of how many chapters await them naturally arises. Likewise, seasoned players are eager to delve into the captivating end game content. So, without delay, let’s explore the number of chapters in Last Epoch and estimate the time required to conquer them.

How Many Chapters Does ‘The Last Epoch’ Have?

In 2018, Last Epoch emerged as a demo, offering players a tantalizing taste of what was to come. It quickly garnered praise, providing Path of Exile enthusiasts with a fresh obsession and offering Diablo players a new world to explore. Drawing inspiration from its predecessors, Last Epoch boasts a complete and engaging storyline that unfolds as players journey through its immersive universe.

Last Epoch is structured into nine chapters, each offering a distinct segment of the overarching narrative.These chapters are categorized further into five distinct game eras: the Divine Era, the Ruined The Divine Era, the Ruined Era, the Imperial Era, the Ancient Era, and the End of Time comprise the five distinct game eras.. Players traverse these epochs gradually as they advance through the game, completing quests and unraveling the mysteries of each era. The sequence of chapters in Last Epoch follows a predetermined order, guiding players through a meticulously crafted storyline that unfolds across multiple timelines.

  • Chapter 1: Divine Era
  • Chapter 2: Ruined Era
  • Chapter 3: Ruined Era
  • Chapter 4: Imperial Era
  • Chapter 5: Imperial Era
  • Chapter 6: Imperial Era
  • Chapter 7: Divine Era
  • Chapter 8: Divine Era
  • Chapter 9: Divine Era

It’s important to note that the 1.0 launch of the game does not introduce any new chapters beyond what was available in early access. The final chapter was added in September 2021. However, developers have confirmed that three new chapters will be added in a post-1.0 patch update.

How Long Does It Take to Complete All Chapters in Last Epoch?

As you may be aware, Last Epoch stands as an action-packed RPG offering boundless replay value. Your overall playtime can vary significantly, influenced by factors such as the time spent on individual chapters. According to community feedback, completing Last Epoch’s chapters typically requires around 15 to 20 hours of gameplay.

Upon finishing the main chapters, the game’s end game content becomes available. Here, players can delve into the creation of specialized builds, reallocate skills to suit different attributes, and craft potent and personalized playstyles. Moreover, the main campaign enriches the lore of Eterra’s diverse eras, providing a deeper immersion into the game world.

Now armed with knowledge about the number of chapters in Last Epoch, you can strategize your approach and allocate your playtime accordingly. We invite you to share your journey through the Last Epoch chapters in the comments below.

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