During the Token2049 conference in Dubai, Durov elaborated on the accessibility of Toncoin (TON) for regular Telegram users. Commencing April 19, initial TON payments for advertising on Telegram channels will kick off for administrators. Furthermore, commencing the following week, users will have the capability to tip administrators in TON, ensuring content creators receive a share of the earnings.
The ability to purchase and trade stickers as NFTs in TON will be facilitated, with sticker creators receiving 95% of the sales revenue. Additionally, Telegram will introduce mini-applications allowing users to purchase content using cryptocurrency. Moreover, Telegram users will be able to share TON with other contacts within their conversations.
“Imagine if someone owned this sticker as an NFT when it came out a few years ago. I think the price increases with the challenge. What we’ve experienced with again, stickers are very, very popular.” – Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram
The Telegram founder highlighted that messenger users will soon have the option to log into their accounts using cryptocurrency wallets. Furthermore, there are plans to enable users to register rights to their account names, allowing them to potentially sell them in the future.
According to the Telegram founder, all innovations will be accessible to every user, with no programming skills necessary to utilize the new features.
“For the first time in social media history, you can directly own your username, sell it, put it up for auction, but multiple usernames, and attach them to your account.” – Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram
TON has recently been listed among the blockchain networks hosting the largest stablecoin by capitalization. Speculation about the introduction of USDT on TON surfaced in early April following an announcement of a joint presentation by Telegram founder Durov and Tether’s Paolo Ardoino at a cryptocurrency conference in Dubai.