We, at AzMo Tech, have been engaging in The Finals for quite some time, and the gameplay has offered a distinct and enjoyable experience. However, the emergence of invisible light players in the last few days has turned our delightful journey into a nightmare. Since then, The Finals community has been demanding a nerf or counter for invisibility. Fret not, as we have discovered some clever strategies to counter invisible light players in The Finals. Follow the tips and tricks below.
Common Ways to Combat Cloaked Light Players
Before delving into class-specific methods, ensure you are familiar with basic tips to counter invisible light players. These tips are applicable across all classes and will provide assistance even if you don’t explore our class-specific guide below.
1. Area of Effect Containers
When facing opponents with light attributes, whether they’re invisible or not, they possess only 150 health. Utilizing neutral containers can inflict significant damage on them. These containers are distributed across The Finals world, serving as an effective counter against invisibility.
Locating and using gas, pyro, or explosive containers will prove advantageous for you. Inflicting damage can expose the whereabouts of an invisible player, making area-of-effect containers such as pyro or gas particularly effective in swiftly revealing and countering light opponents.
2. Grenades, Traps & Mines
Each class in The Finals is equipped with frag, pyro, or gas grenades, each capable of making a significant impact when strategically deployed. Effectively predicting the enemy’s location and skillful throws can turn these grenades into powerful tools. The lights, having low health points, can be easily eliminated by well-placed grenades, even if they are cloaked.
In addition to grenades, medium and heavy classes come equipped with an array of mines and traps, such as explosive mines for both medium and heavy classes, gas mines for medium classes, pyro mines for heavy classes, and glitch traps for medium classes.
These mines and traps are effective tools for revealing or eliminating cloaked light players in The Finals. It’s crucial to strategically plant mines or consistently set traps when playing as a medium or heavy class to maintain control over the battlefield.
3. Stick Together & Stay Focused
A universal tip applicable in any scenario within The Finals is to stay close to your teammates. Keep in mind that if you’re ready to trade the kill, light-class players won’t be able to escape after taking down one of your teammates. Stay vigilant with both your ears and eyes, as lights have faster footsteps, making it relatively easy to track their movements.
A visual anomaly occurs when someone activates the invisibility cloak, presenting as a graphical glitch. While this can be challenging to discern on higher graphics settings, you have the option to lower your resolution to better detect the glitchy animation produced by the invisibility effect.
Counter Light Invisibility as Different Classes
Having covered the general strategies to counter invisible light players in The Finals, let’s now delve into class-specific tips that will empower you to overcome them.
1. If You’re Playing as Light
- Thermal Vision: Light classes have access to the thermal vision utility, a valuable tool that reveals all heat signatures. When entering hostile zones, activate thermal vision to spot cloaked lights hiding in corners and swiftly eliminate them. Even in situations without invisible foes, keeping this gadget in your light build in The Finals proves advantageous.
- Motion Sensor: As a light class, make use of the motion sensor gadget. Attach it to a wall, and it will monitor movements in your vicinity, allowing you to see through walls. The motion sensor’s multiple triggering capability in The Finals makes it an exceptional counter against invisibility, providing you with a strategic advantage.
- Glitch Grenade: Light classes can employ the glitch grenade as a potent weapon against cloaked adversaries. Toss it in the suspected direction of a hiding light, and it will impact enemies within its radius, temporarily locking their abilities or specializations. This includes disabling the cloaking ability for a brief period, giving you the upper hand to seize the opportunity and eliminate them.
2. If You’re Playing as Medium
- Recon Senses: As a medium player, the recon senses perk offers a solution to the frustration of being taken down by invisible lights. This ability allows you to track all players on the map, even through walls and at extended distances. It’s crucial to manage the duration wisely, ensuring it lasts throughout the engagement rather than expending it all in one use.
- Tracking Dart: While recon senses benefit the individual player, the tracking dart is a team-oriented tool for medium-class players. Equipping the tracking dart allows you to shoot an enemy, making them visible to your entire team. Keep this handy in your reserve loadout to counter pesky invisible adversaries and provide valuable support to your team.
- Sonar Grenade: For a cost-effective alternative with a similar effect, consider the sonar grenade. This tool enables you to track enemies in a specific area, offering a defensive counter against cloaked opponents in The Finals. Despite a shorter working duration, the sonar grenade proves to be a valuable asset for revealing hidden threats.
3. If You’re Playing as Heavy
- Flamethrower: The heavy class stands as a formidable adversary against light players utilizing the cloaking device perk. With a substantial health pool, the heavy class can withstand surprise attacks from light players and retaliate effectively with the flamethrower. Not only does the flamethrower deal significant damage, but it also inflicts a burn effect on cloaked enemies, preventing them from utilizing their invisibility.
- RPG: When it comes to preventing lights from turning invisible and ensuring a swift respawn, the RPG becomes an indispensable part of your heavy build in The Finals. Properly positioned, a single RPG shot can eliminate and counter invisible light players. Therefore, make it a point to wield the RPG when heading towards objectives.
These heavy-class strategies provide a robust approach to dealing with the challenges posed by invisible light players in The Finals. What are your thoughts on the cloak ability? Do you believe it’s overpowered and should be subject to a nerf? Share your opinions!