Top 9 LEGO Fortnite Seeds (2024)

In LEGO Fortnite, worlds are randomly generated each time you create a new one. This results in landmark locations and caves varying across different worlds. To streamline your adventure and exploration, we’ve gathered an array of fantastic LEGO Fortnite seeds. These seeds can be utilized to override your world when generating a new one. Additionally, we’ve provided coordinates for the nearest cave and biome, facilitating a swift start to your journey.

Note: At present, LEGO Fortnite features a limited number of landmarks and locations. Therefore, our compiled seeds focus on resource availability, distances to other biomes, and cave accessibility. We'll continue updating the list as LEGO Fortnite introduces more landmarks, biomes, and resources.

List of Best Seeds in LEGO Fortnite

1. All Biome Trip

This LEGO Fortnite seed offers a swift journey across three distinct biomes. Upon spawning, you find yourself in a Grassland nestled between Frostland and Dry Valley. Nearby, caves await exploration, providing access to resources like marble and knotroot.

The early discovery of caves enables expedited resource gathering. However, locating friendly animals for building up your food supply might pose a challenge in the initial stages.

  • Seed Number: 0762809915
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -2,62,597 -3,33,052 3,387
  • Frostland Coordinates: -3,10,202 -3,00,020 4,846
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,84,633 -3,83,899 3,080

2. Grasslands Cave Party

In contrast to the prior seed, this particular one places you in proximity to numerous caves, facilitating the creation of tools for exploring nearby landmarks. Your spawn location is near the Dry Valley. However, in this LEGO Fortnite seed, locating livestock in the early stages of the game might prove challenging.

  • Seed Number: 2074462235
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -4,47,752 -83,356 3,848
  • Frostland Coordinates: -4,72,941 -90,273 3,860
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -4,15,535 -1,29,498 5,688

3. The 05×5 World

The 05×5 seed stands out as a favored choice within the LEGO Fortnite community. Upon spawning, you’ll find yourself a stone’s throw away from the Dry Valley, with Frostland conveniently nearby. This setup promises an exciting exploration experience.

Prior to venturing into the Frostland and Dry Valley, you’ll stumble upon Arctic and Lava caves. These caves play a crucial role in advancing your progress early in the game. Considered a must-try for proficient players seeking a challenge, this seed offers ample excitement.

  • Seed Number: 0505050505
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -2,37,585 -1,75,900 2,504
  • Frostland Coordinates: -2,09,903 -1,21,827 3,586
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,37,148 -1,77,693 2,380

4. Shore Explore

This seed offers a distinctive and lively setting upon spawning. It’s ideal for those eager to explore shores and water expanses in LEGO Fortnite, presenting an array of diverse food resources in abundance.

Equip yourself with formidable weapons within the game and engage in battles against pirates at sea. This early advantage sets the stage for a more advantageous expedition. This world caters to resource gatherers who relish combatting varied creatures, allowing gradual progression towards other landmark locations.

  • Seed Number: 2134381581
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -3,72,566 -5,54,929 3,541
  • Frostland Coordinates: -3,19,849 -5,02,629 4,650
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,99,051 -5,88,320 2,146

5. Winter Wonderland

Upon exploring the barren landscapes, this seed offers an experience that will send shivers down your spine in LEGO Fortnite. Upon spawning, you find yourself near the vast Frostland, where the snow-covered area extends extensively. Once you venture into the Frostland, its immersive nature might captivate you entirely. Given that arctic areas pose the greatest challenge in the game, we recommend this seed exclusively to seasoned veterans.

  • Seed Number: 0195463284
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -3,03,600 -4,52,406 3,426
  • Frostland Coordinates: -2,90,826 -4,24,221 3,421
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -3,97,278 -3,58,887 8,449

6. Tiny Grasslands

This specific seed introduces a highly challenging LEGO Fortnite world. Upon spawning, you’ll swiftly discover both Frostland and Dry Valley. However, the game poses greater challenges as early resources are scarce, and caves nearby are notably absent.

In this world, Grasslands are considerably smaller in comparison to other landmark locations. With limited cave availability, reliance on villager companions becomes necessary to obtain resources like marble slabs or cut amber.

  • Seed Number: 0145176464
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -4,63,637 -4,47,581 3,656
  • Frostland Coordinates: -3,99,673 -4,28,705 3,780
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -3,96,728 -4,75,050 5,363

7. Deserted Caves

While you spawn near the Frostland, this seed stands out as a treasure trove for enthusiasts of Dry Valley within LEGO Fortnite. Despite the desert being distant from your initial spawn point, it proves worthwhile once you gather resources. Notably, in this world, we’ve discovered 11 desert caves within a single Dry Valley. Utilize this seed number to immerse yourself in yet another remarkable LEGO Fortnite world.

  • Seed Number: 0997927106
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: 5,31,531 -25,970 3,733
  • Frostland Coordinates: -5,11,587 -20,267 5,427
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -5,68,377 -41,459 3,771

8. Something of Everything

Returning from the challenging deserts, let’s delve into a more beginner-friendly seed in LEGO Fortnite. Upon spawning, you find yourself in a corn and pumpkin field adjacent to a cave, ensuring easy access to early resources.

Despite its beginner-friendly nature, challenges await nearby, with the Dry Valley and Frostland only a few steps away. These proximate landmark locations add an element of challenge to the gameplay.

  • Seed Number: 0150928288
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -5,61,965 -3,48,788 3,426
  • Frostland Coordinates: -5,65,072 -3,29,311 4,270
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -5,62,563 -3,61,918 2,082

9. The Ultimate Experience

Saving the best for last, we present the ultimate LEGO Fortnite seed. This seed boasts numerous caves conveniently located around the spawn point. Upon spawning, you’ll find yourself near the shores, with the Dry Valley just a stone’s throw away.

Simply turn 180 degrees and head in the opposite direction to encounter the towering Frostland mountains. Amidst the caves and landmark locations, essential early resources are readily available in the spawn area. This seed offers a comprehensive and advantageous start to your LEGO Fortnite journey.

  • Seed Number: 1344392628
  • Nearest Cave Coordinates: -5,74,822 -2,38,448 5,730
  • Frostland Coordinates: -5,19,467 -2,53,061 5,716
  • Dry Valley Coordinates: -6,11,037 -1,91,189 253

Entering Seed Number in LEGO Fortnite

Now equipped with the seeds for your next LEGO Fortnite world, here’s a guide on how to apply them within the game:

  • Start by selecting “CREATE NEW WORLD.”
  • Proceed by clicking the “CREATE” button.
  • Following that, choose the New World Slot and click “SELECT.”
  • Conclude by entering a seed code within the “OVERRIDE WORLD SEED” section and clicking “Start.”
Note: Once you've created a LEGO Fortnite world with your selected seed, it's not possible to alter the seed afterward.

Embark on your exciting adventures in the new world utilizing our seeds list. If you chance upon a resource-rich environment or picturesque landscapes, share the seed number in the comments below!

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