Experience the Stunning Spiral Galaxy Through the Lens of the Hubble Telescope

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently shared a stunning deep space image on their blog and X (formerly Twitter) handle. The captivating shot features a close-up view of the spiral galaxy IC 438, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Situated approximately 130 million light years away from Earth, IC 438 resides in the portion of the sky where the Lepus constellation, shaped like a hare, is found. Hence, the ESA appropriately titled the image “Luminous in Lepus” in their blog post.

Interestingly, Lepus is one of the 88 officially recognized constellations by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). What’s remarkable is that this spiral galaxy can be partly observed from both the Earth’s Northern and Southern hemispheres, owing to its proximity to the equator.

The image of IC 438 provides a close-up view, showcasing the spiral galaxy with a luminous star shining brightly at one of its arm ends. True to its name, a spiral galaxy boasts tightly wound spiral arms that encircle its core. These arms gradually loosen as they extend outward, creating the distinctive spiral structure. Below is the image of IC 438 for reference:

The Hubble Telescope initiated its study of this spiral galaxy following a Type Ia supernova event in 2017. What makes this Type Iax supernova unique is its discovery in 2013, a departure from the previously recognized supernova types, Core Collapse and Type Ia.

The Type Ia supernova event is triggered by a binary system consisting of two stars, culminating in the spectacular explosion. Captured three years post-supernova, this particular image may not reveal much at first glance. However, the wealth of new images and data obtained allows for extensive analysis and insights into the aftermath of such cosmic events.

Indeed, these data and images serve as a poignant reminder of the perpetual fascination that space holds for humanity. Reflecting on this close-up of the spiral galaxy, were you equally captivated by its intricate details? Let us know in the comments!

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