A recent leak suggests that AMD’s FSR 3 might be released in the upcoming month.

It appears that AMD is gearing up for the release of FSR 3.0, an eagerly awaited update that could bring its FidelityFX technology on par with Nvidia’s DLSS. The upcoming version of FSR is expected to introduce AI-powered frame generation technology, aimed at enhancing gaming smoothness. Here’s what we’ve gathered about this potential development.

AMD FSR 3.0 on the Horizon, Leak Indicates

Renowned hardware leaker Moore’s Law Is Dead has disclosed that FSR 3 is in its final stages of preparation, according to a confidential source. This is certainly promising news, indicating that AMD is on the verge of unveiling its new FSR update. The leak also provides a possible release timeframe, suggesting that FSR 3 could debut as early as next month (September 2023). Additionally, AMD has reportedly informed its OEM partners to anticipate FSR 3 briefings this week. However, if the release doesn’t happen in September, the leak suggests we can expect FSR 3 by Q4 2023.

In contrast to Nvidia’s DLSS, which relies on specialized hardware in its latest GPUs and is closed-source, FSR is known for its open-source nature and broader compatibility with older graphics cards. More details on how to use FSR technology on a variety of graphics cards can be found in our comprehensive guide. While it remains unclear whether FSR 3 will be backward compatible with older GPUs or to what extent, it is expected to provide a significant performance boost to AMD’s existing RX 7000 Series GPU lineup.

Can AMD’s FSR 3.0 Match Nvidia’s DLSS 3?

The leak concludes with a mention of AMD’s ambition to have FSR 3 ready for Navi 32 reviews. If this goal is met, the response from hardware media outlets to the new RDNA 3 GPUs could be quite positive. Of course, the success of FSR 3.0 will depend on its performance. Personally, I’ve evaluated DLSS 3 and its various visual enhancements since its initial release. Nvidia has achieved impressive results with DLSS 3, and it remains to be seen if AMD can achieve a similar level of quality.

It’s exciting to witness AMD’s preparation for the launch of an updated FSR technology, complete with a new frame generation feature. This will finally provide an answer to Nvidia’s DLSS 3, a key feature in their RTX 40 Series GPU lineup. While high-end GPUs from both AMD and Nvidia are already quite powerful and don’t heavily rely on DLSS 3 for frame generation, the technology becomes more crucial for mid-range offerings like the RTX 4060 Ti, where frame-generation becomes significant.

Users of RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti GPUs have benefitted from DLSS 3’s increased FPS numbers, leaving AMD’s mid-range offering, the RX 7600, trailing behind. However, with FSR 3’s impending release, this situation is set to change. If the leaked information remains accurate, AMD’s intention is to introduce FSR 3 concurrently with the release of new RDNA 3 GPUs, potentially including models like the RX 7700 or RX 7800.

Only time will tell if FSR 3 lives up to DLSS 3’s performance. I’m also curious to see whether it relies on architecture-specific hardware or extends support to older GPUs. For more insight into AMD’s FidelityFX 3 update, you can refer to the details shared by AMD in the GDC 2023 presentation.

What are your thoughts on AMD’s upcoming FSR 3.0 update? Are you hopeful for compatibility with your GPU? Do share your opinions in the comments below.

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