Respawn’s Upcoming Game Could Be Set in the Titanfall Universe

For Titanfall players, the anticipation for Titanfall 3 has been palpable. The highly anticipated game from Respawn has been the subject of gamers’ dreams. While the release of Titanfall 3 remains uncertain, Respawn appears to be working on something intriguing.

The speculation arises from Giant Bomb reporter Jeff Grubb, who, during a recent episode of the Game Mess Mornings podcast, shed light on Respawn’s ongoing project following EA’s cancellation of a Star Wars FPS game.

During the podcast, Grubb discusses Respawn’s recent projects and staff reductions. He delves into the canceled Star Wars game, revealing it was intended to be a Mandalorian-themed game. Grubb also reveals that Respawn’s upcoming game set in the Titanfall universe is currently in theprototyping phase.

As recently confirmed by Laura Miele, president of EA Entertainment, Respawn will prioritize “…Respawn’s extensive catalog of owned brands.” This reaffirms statements made by Respawn head Vince Zampella last year. Zampella emphasized:

“Apex [Legends] exists within the Titanfall universe, correct? The challenge is how to create something that appeals to Apex fans without alienating those who aren’t yet familiar with Titanfall. It’s a tricky question to address, but ideally, I’d like to see something come out of it.”

Are Respawn developers currently working on Titanfall 3?

When questioned about whether the project is Titanfall 3 during the Game Mess Mornings podcast, Grubb clarified that it is not Titanfall 3. He elaborated on the game being in its early stages and shared insights into the responses he received from developers at Respawn.

“As far as I comprehend, the current version of this game is set within the vast world represented in Titanfall. However, everyone I’ve spoken to consistently emphasizes that it’s not Titanfall 3. It won’t necessarily follow the same format with online multiplayer and a single-player campaign.”

He also discusses EA canceling Titanfall Legends, which was intended to accompany the follow-up to Titanfall 3. Grubb suggests that EA’s decision to cancel Titanfall Legends indicates that reverting to their previous strategy and developing Titanfall 3 is not currently being considered.

As per a Bloomberg report from last year, EA was collaborating with Respawn on an undisclosed project, rumored to be a campaign mode for Apex Legends. Presently, there have been no official announcements regarding Respawn’s latest project.

Given that Apex Legends stands as EA’s most successful live service game, they might prioritize its expansion in various directions. With no immediate plans for Titanfall 3, only time will reveal how Respawn chooses to expand the Titanfall universe. Share your thoughts on this unnamed project in the comments section below.

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