Wuthering Waves Starter Guide: 10 Essential Tips for Beginners

Struggling to navigate the world of Wuthering Waves? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This comprehensive starter guide is designed to help new players grasp the core mechanics of this Open World RPG gacha game and set off on the right foot for their adventure. While Wuthering Waves shares similarities with other popular titles like Genshin Impact, it also introduces unique elements that set it apart. Here are 10 beginner tips to kickstart your journey.

1. Focus on Leveling up Union Level

1. Focus on Union Level: When you first start, your Union Level (Yangyang and Chixia) is key. Similar to Adventurer Rank in Genshin Impact or Trailblaze Level in Honkai Star Rail, leveling up your Union Level unlocks higher character and Terminal level caps, as well as better rarity drops (excluding Echoes) from enemies and domains.

2. Level Up to 30: Initially, prioritize leveling your Union Level to at least 30. This provides a solid foundation before you begin building your desired teams and characters. Once you reach this milestone, you can shift your focus to team-building and character investment.

2. Spend Your Waveplates

Waveplates in Wuthering Waves serve as the game’s stamina system, initially capped at 240. These plates regenerate at a rate of 1 per 6 minutes, but any excess over 240 is lost. Unlike Honkai Star Rail, the game does not store excess waveplates beyond this cap, so it’s advisable to use them whenever possible. Waveplates are essential for farming level-up and ascension materials, XP, and other resources. They can also be used to quickly farm Echoes, bypassing the need to wait for daily enemy refreshes.

Each waveplate spent provides 7.5 Union XP, making them a valuable resource for quickly increasing your Union level, as mentioned in the first tip. Early in the game, you’ll also earn Crystal Solvents, which can add 60 waveplates each. It’s recommended to use these early-game resources to prioritize reaching Union level 30.

3. Level Up Terminal to Farm and Equip Higher Rarity Echoes

The Terminal system in Wuthering Waves operates independently from the Union level and revolves around Echoes, which are akin to Artifacts in Genshin Impact. Located in the Data Bank, the Terminal level enhances both the drop rate and rarity of Echoes. Higher rarity Echoes are crucial as they offer increased level caps and more main and sub-stats.

To advance the Terminal level, you must capture at least one Echo from every enemy, with higher rarity Echoes yielding more XP. Think of it like completing your Pokédex in Pokémon to level up. Notably, your Terminal won’t level up unless your Union Level is sufficiently high. Aim to reach Terminal level 9 quickly to maximize the number of Echoes you can equip on your characters, ideally leveling up the Terminal alongside your Union Level.

4. Complete Your Daily Quests

Completing your Daily quests is paramount as they reward up to 60 Astrites. Additionally, they grant 2000 Union XP per day, accelerating your Union level progression significantly in the long run.

Daily quests are straightforward, with each one offering points. Smaller quests provide 10 to 20 points, while larger quests (though still smaller than a regular mission) yield around 40 points each. You can tackle the daily quests in any order you prefer, but consistency is key; make sure to complete them every day.

5. Don’t Waste Resources on Blue and Green Echoes

As discussed in the Terminal section, Echoes are classified into four rarities: 2-star (green), 3-star (blue), 4-star (purple), and 5-star (gold). Higher rarity Echoes boast higher level caps and can possess more main and sub-stats. Initially, as you progress your Terminal level, you’ll primarily acquire green, blue, and occasionally purple echoes.

Regardless of the Echo rarity you acquire, it’s crucial not to squander your Echo level-up materials on green and blue Echoes. While leveling up purple echoes can be worthwhile as they remain effective at higher levels, investing in 2 and 3-star echoes would be a waste of resources.

6. Which Resonators You Should Build

In gacha games, assembling the right characters is paramount. However, at the outset, don’t fret too much about which resonators to build or invest heavily in any resonator. Focus on leveling up Rover and the other initial resonator you receive for free until you reach Union level 30. After reaching this milestone, you can shift your focus to resonators worth investing in.

Initially, prioritize investing in a healer. If you manage to obtain Verina or Jianxin, feel free to invest in them without hesitation. Alternatively, Baizhi is a solid early-game healer in Wuthering Waves. Experiment with different characters before reaching Union Level 30, and once you do, select the characters you find most enjoyable to play.

7. Building Teams and Rotating Correctly

Once you’ve selected your preferred characters, it’s time to construct your early-game teams. In Wuthering Waves, each character possesses intro and outro skills triggered upon their swap-out. These skills are crucial for team synergy and strategic swapping during battles. Thoroughly review each character’s intro and outro skills to create teams that capitalize on this synergy.

A well-rounded team typically consists of one main DPS, one sub-DPS or off-field buffer, and one healer. In Wuthering Waves, many healers also function as buffers, offering dual benefits in a single character.

8. Slay and Collect Everything You See

At the start of the game, focus on defeating every enemy and collecting every plant or material you encounter. This approach not only levels up your Terminal, crucial for acquiring higher-level Echoes, but also ensures you gather the materials necessary to level up your characters.

Additionally, collecting and defeating enemies rewards Union XP, allowing you to progress on multiple fronts simultaneously. This way, you’ll efficiently advance your character progression, Terminal level, and Union level all at once.

9. Spend Banner Currencies Smartly

Banners play a pivotal role in gacha games, determining how effectively you can acquire desired characters. It’s crucial to spend your Banner currencies wisely. Firstly, avoid using Astrites on the Standard Convenes. Astrites are the premium currency in Wuthering Waves, similar to Primogems in Genshin Impact. Instead, convert Astrites into Radiant Tides or Lustrous Tides to pull from the limited and standard banners.

While the standard banner might seem appealing at the game’s launch, saving your Astrites for future use is advisable. Focus on converting Astrites into Radiant Tides and pulling from limited banners. Additionally, it’s wise to refrain from spending on the Weapon banners initially, as the 4-star weapons available early in the game are sufficient.

Furthermore, it’s important to accumulate Afterglow Corals, which are earned by pulling duplicate characters from banners. These Corals can be used to purchase Resonance Chain, which function similarly to character constellations in Genshin Impact, for 5-star resonators, including limited ones.

10. Collect Relics and Explore the World to Earn Rewards

Exploration is highly incentivized in Wuthering Waves, offering substantial rewards for uncovering the world’s secrets. In Jinzhou, the Pioneer Association provides rewards for exploring various areas on the map. These rewards are enticing, granting 500 Astrites for reaching level 10, among other bonuses.

Additionally, as you explore, you’ll encounter Sonance Caskets or Relics scattered across the world. Collect these and exchange them with Relic Merchants for even more rewards. When combined with the Astrites obtained from collecting chests, you can amass a significant amount of currency. In essence, exploration in Wuthering Waves is incredibly rewarding, particularly in the early stages of the game.



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